FARMINGTON — Comparing bank President Peter Judkins to George Bailey in the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life,” Town Manager Richard Davis presented the first copy of the annual town report to Judkins on Friday.

Judkins was surprised to find family, friends and co-workers gathered late Friday afternoon at Franklin Savings Bank.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

They came to honor Judkins as Davis announced the dedication.

The movie character did a lot for his community, but Farmington has it’s own George Bailey, Davis said.

“I’m wicked honored,” Judkins said.


He acknowledged he was fortunate to move back to his hometown and “work with the people I do,” he said. “I’m fortunate to be in a position to give away the bank’s money,” he said. He has been president for 15 years.

“Peter has long been the face of the Franklin Savings Bank Community Development Foundation, which contributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to local charitable and community projects in Western Maine,” the report said. “This includes the donation of a parking lot and stairs connecting Front and Main streets in 2012.”

Judkins, son of Paul and Cynthia Judkins, and his wife, Lisa, daughter of Robert and Jan Stevens, grew up in Farmington. After college, Judkins started his career at Depositors Trust Company before leaving the state to work “in executive positions at major global financial services companies, American Express and Citicorp,” the report said.

The couple and their children, Tyler and Heidi, moved back to Farmington in 1999.

State Sen.Tom Saviello, R-Wilton, and state Rep. Andrew Buckland, R-Farmington, acknowledged Judkins’ community service by presenting him with a legislative sentiment.

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