Lecture topic is garden blogs

PARIS — The McLaughlin Garden and Homestead’s 2015 lecture series continues at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, when Dr. Jean Potuchek discusses “Garden Blogs: A Virtual Garden Club.”

Potuchek, a sociology professor emeritus at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, is now retired to East Poland. She is an avid perennial gardener. Potuchek has created Jean’s Garden, a blog found at jeansgarden.wordpress.com.

Lectures on various gardening topics are held weekly on Wednesdays through April 1 at the garden’s newest acquisition, 103 Main St., next door to Bernard McLaughlin’s historic garden. Each presentation begins promptly at 4 p.m. The public is invited to come at 3:30 for tea or to browse the gift shop (in the McLaughlin house). The complete lecture schedule is available at www.mclaughlingarden.org. The lectures are open to the public and are free although donations will be accepted to further the maintenance of the historic garden and buildings.

Waterford: A visit to the Holy Land

WATERFORD — The Rev. Petra Smyth, pastor of the Waterford Congregational Church, will present a PowerPoint program on her November trip to Israel and Jordan. This presentation will take place upstairs at the Waterford Library at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18.


A question-and-answer session will follow. Attendees will be invited to sample snacks typical of those served in the Holy Land.

Lewiston Bridge Club winners

LEWISTON — The Lewiston Bridge Club winners at the Lewiston Armory on March 2 were as follows: first, Jeanine Kivus and David Lock; second, Les Buzzell and Rick Verrill; third, Claire Lyons and Paul Clement.

Winners on March 3 were: first, Roger Labbe and Rick Verrill; second, Marta Clements and Dick Allen; third/fourth tie, Jeanine Kivus and David Lock with Les Buzzell and Mike True.

Games are played every Monday and Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the Seniors Room at the Lewiston Armory, 65 Central Ave. A partner is always guaranteed and all bridge players are welcomed. Call Rosemarie Goodwin at 754-1431 for more information.

Community potluck supper in Waterford


WATERFORD — The Wilkins Community House will host a community potluck supper at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 19. The community house is located on Plummer Hill in Waterford Flat next to the church.

Hosts for this month are Myra Maltby and Marion Brennan. Bring a friend or neighbor and a dish to share and enjoy chatting with new and old friends. Rolls and beverage will be provided. Folks from surrounding communities are welcomed.

Woodstock: History of surveying

WOODSTOCK — In keeping with the town’s 200th birthday celebration, local surveyor, Barry Allen, will present a program at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at the Whitman Memorial Library.

Using old maps and pictures, Allen will give a brief history of early New England and Maine surveying, with a special emphasis on the surveying and lotting of the eastern half of Woodstock, known as the Gorham Academy Grant, based upon the original field notes of the surveyor, James Irish Jr.

The program is open to the public at no charge and light refreshments will be served.


Treat library bottle drive

LIVERMORE FALLS — Treat Memorial Library will hold a bottle drive on Friday, March 20, and continue on Saturday and Sunday, March 21 and 22.

Trustee John Beaudoin and some friends will drive house to house collecting recyclable bottles and cans that they will redeem at Four Winds Too redemption center at 68 Main St.

Anyone may participate by delivering their bottles ahead of time to Four Winds Too and mentioning that they are for the Treat Memorial Library.

All funds raised will go toward making the gardens flourish (and flowerish).

Anyone with bottles to be picked up may call the library at 897-3631 or email beaudoin.john@yahoo.com or message John on Facebook.


Supper at American Legion

LIVERMORE FALLS — George Bunten Post 10, American Legion, will hold a supper from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, at the hall at 17 Reynolds Ave. Cost for adults is $7; kids under 12, $4. Menu includes homemade baked beans, red hot dogs, biscuits, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, assorted casseroles and vegetables, desserts and coffee.

Delivery is available to local addresses.

For more information, contact Jocelyn Mosher-Collins, adjutant, at 779-7345.

Corned beef supper, dance at Legion

PARIS — There will be a St. Patrick’s corned beef and cabbage supper and dance from 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at the Foster-Carroll Post No. 72, 12 Church St., sponsored by the Auxiliary.


Supper is $8 for adults, $4 ages 12 and under.

Jones Dance Band will follow from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dance is $5.

Spring fair benefits Poland food bank

POLAND — The annual spring fair fundraiser for the Poland Community Church Food Bank will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at Church Parish House, 1212 Maine St. (Route 26).

Tables and events will include Candyland, Twice Nice, springtime table, surprises, a silent auction and Chef Sharon’s annual luncheon of fish chowder or homemade soup, finger roll sandwiches, dessert and beverage.

Call 998-4227 to become a $10 table sponsor.


All fair proceeds will benefit the PCC Food Bank, which serves Minot, Mechanic Falls and Poland. The first $300 raised will be matched by a local benefactor.

Harrison Lions plan turkey dinner

HARRISON — The Harrison Lions Club will have a turkey dinner from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at the Harrison Lions Den on the lower level of the Block building.

The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. The dinner will be complete with all the fixings.

Sons of Italy meet March 22

RUMFORD — The Sons of Italy will have their regular meeting at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, at the hall on Route 108. They will have nomination of officers and a light lunch will be served.

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