JAY — Members of the Board of Assessment Review will meet with their attorney Wednesday, March 11, to review procedures in relation to Verso’s appeal of a tax abatement.

The board is reviewing Verso Androscoggin LLC’s appeal application of the $829,258, 2013 tax abatement on its mill and associated properties that  selectpersons granted Jan. 6.

At the time, selectpersons agreed to lower the April 1, 2013, valuation of $815.4 million to $591.9 million, after factoring in exemptions.

The company believes that the town’s valuation of its property remains too high.

The workshop will begin at 6 p.m. at the Town Office.

The board also had a workshop with the chairman of the Oxford County Board of Assessment Review in February.


Since then, selectpersons appointed Mike Ventrella on March 2 to the Board of Assessment Review to replace Michael Houlihan, who resigned in late February.

The review board, which had scheduled Thursday, March 19, as a public hearing on the appeal, has opted to instead meet at 3:30 p.m. March 19 at the Town Office to establish procedures to address Verso’s appeal. Representatives of Verso and assessors will be present.

The board will set a date for a public hearing on the appeal.


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