Paris Legion meeting March 11

PARIS — South Paris American Legion Post 72 will have its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at the Legion Hall.

Irish supper March 14 in Harrison

HARRISON — Ronald G. St. John VFW Post 9328 and Auxiliary will host a public Irish supper from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 14.

Menu will be corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots and gingerbread. Bring your favorite beverage. Lime rickeys and coffee will be provided.

Cost is $10 per person, children under 12, $5.


Everything Maple Supper in Minot

MINOT — West Minot Grange will host an Everything Maple Supper from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 14.

Menu will include three kinds of beans (Jacob’s cattle, pea and yellow eye), American chop suey, cole slaw, hot dogs, yeast rolls, biscuits and cornbread. Dessert will be ice cream with maple syrup and maple cupcakes.

Price will be $8 all you can eat, $2 for children under 6. Funds will benefit the Grange building fund. Food is being cooked by Village Trading Post, West Minot Sugar House.

For more information, contact Jim at 966-2913.

Infant CPR classes offered


NORWAY — The Family Birthplace at Stephens Memorial Hospital will offer an infant CPR class from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Saturday, March 14, in the Harper Conference Center in the Ripley Medical Office Building, 193 Main St.

Learn the skills to do CPR and choking rescue on an infant up to the age of one year. This is a hands-on experience.

Fee is $10 per person. Pre-registration with payment is required. To register or for more information, contact call at 743-1562, ext. 6951.

Honey Bee Club workshop March 14

OXFORD — Oxford Hills Honey Bee Club will hold a workshop at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 14, at the Oxford County Extension Center, 9 Olson Road.

Speaker will be master beekeeper Chris Rogers of Backwoods Bee Farm. Topic will be spring maintenance. The public is welcome.


For more information, contact Kevin Farr at or visit

Pi Day Pie Party at Paris Library

PARIS — The Paris Public Library will host a Pi Day Pie Party from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, March 14.

Pi Day is celebrated around the world on 3/14 to celebrate the mathematical constant known as pi.

Attendees are invited to make their favorite pie and bring it to the library to share. Sample all the pies.

Check out the library’s Facebook event for more information and recipe ideas. Contact the library for more information by email at or call 743-6994.


Swingin’ Bears plan March 14 dance

PARIS — The Swingin’ Bears Square Dance Club will hold a dance from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, March 14, at the Oxford Hills Middle School, 100 Pine St.

Welcome spring with Ray Hilton, yodling club caller who will present a Mainstream and Plus dance. Carol Arsenault will be the round dance cuer.

Refreshments will be served at intermission. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 drawing.

Admission is $6 per person. Non-dancers are welcome at no charge.

For more information, call Eleanor Herrick at 782-4050 or visit


Boiled dinner on March 14

WATERFORD — The Waterford World’s Fair Association will have a public St. Patrick Day boiled dinner on Saturday, March 14, at the North Waterford Congregational Church on Route 35, across from Melby’s Market. The meal will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

The menu will consist of corned beef and/or ham with potato, cabbage, carrots, onions, yeast rolls, drink and homemade pies. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Take-out available.

March Madness senior social, lunch

HARRISON — Despite all the snow and arctic temperatures, Harrison Parks and Rec. is once again busy preparing for the annual March Madness senior social and luncheon (age 55+) on Sunday, March 15, at the Harrison Fire Station.

This popular events kicks off at noon with a roast turkey dinner with all the fixings served family style plus homemade apple crisp and ice cream and a beverage. The meal will be followed by games of bingo with prizes, a giant Easter basket give-away, guess jar, centerpieces to a person at each table and, new this year, a surprise giveaway.


Tickets are required and can be purchased at the Harrison Town Office, $8 for Harrison residents, $10 for visitors. Seating is limited.

For further details, contact Paula Holt at 583-2241 or at

Cribbage games at Norway Library

NORWAY — Do you play Cribbage? Or would you like to learn to play Cribbage? Would you like to spend an afternoon with a group of people?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, join the Friends of Norway Memorial Library and others on Monday afternoons from 1 to 3:30 p.m., March 16 to May 18.

There will be boards and cards available and people to play with. Or bring your own and a partner, too.


Players are welcome to bring their own coffee or tea and the Friends will provide a snack for the first meeting.

A small donation of $2 is suggested to support Friends of the Library activities.

For more information, call the library at 743-5309.

Spurrs Corner food pantry hours

OTISFIELD — The food pantry at Spurrs Corner Church, Route 121, will be open Tuesday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to noon.

The pantry is open to residents of Otisfield on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For information call 627-4886, 627-4329 or 583-4780.


West Paris food pantry open on March 17

WEST PARIS — The Neighborhood Niche Food Pantry will be open from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, at West Paris Baptist Church, 15 Church St. The pantry is open the first and third Tuesdays of each month and West Paris residents are invited to come once a month.

Otisfield community lunch March 18

OTISFIELD — Got cabin fever yet? Come and swap coping stories with your neighbors.

The Otisfield community lunch and jewelry and magazine swap will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, at Community Hall, Route 121. The event is free; donations are accepted.

Menu will be beans, hot dogs, pulled pork, cole slaw, salads, chocolate cake, gingerbread with whipped cream, rhubarb punch, coffee and tea.


Call Nancy Coombs at 627-4374 if you need a ride. If you would like to help at the lunch, call Dave McVety at 539-4368.

Lecture topic is garden blogs

PARIS — The McLaughlin Garden and Homestead’s 2015 lecture series continues at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, when Dr. Jean Potuchek discusses “Garden Blogs: A Virtual Garden Club.”

Potuchek, a sociology professor emeritus at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, is now retired to East Poland. She is an avid perennial gardener. Potuchek has created Jean’s Garden, a blog found at

Lectures on various gardening topics are held weekly on Wednesdays through April 1 at the garden’s newest acquisition, 103 Main St., next door to Bernard McLaughlin’s historic garden. Each presentation begins promptly at 4 p.m. The public is invited to come at 3:30 for tea or to browse the gift shop (in the McLaughlin house). The complete lecture schedule is available at The lectures are open to the public and are free although donations will be accepted to further the maintenance of the historic garden and buildings.

Waterford: A visit to the Holy Land


WATERFORD — The Rev. Petra Smyth, pastor of the Waterford Congregational Church, will present a PowerPoint program on her November trip to Israel and Jordan. This presentation will take place upstairs at the Waterford Library at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18.

A question-and-answer session will follow. Attendees will be invited to sample snacks typical of those served in the Holy Land.

Lewiston Bridge Club winners

LEWISTON — The Lewiston Bridge Club winners at the Lewiston Armory on March 2 were as follows: first, Jeanine Kivus and David Lock; second, Les Buzzell and Rick Verrill; third, Claire Lyons and Paul Clement.

Winners on March 3 were: first, Roger Labbe and Rick Verrill; second, Marta Clements and Dick Allen; third/fourth tie, Jeanine Kivus and David Lock with Les Buzzell and Mike True.

Games are played every Monday and Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the Seniors Room at the Lewiston Armory, 65 Central Ave. A partner is always guaranteed and all bridge players are welcomed. Call Rosemarie Goodwin at 754-1431 for more information.


Community potluck supper in Waterford

WATERFORD — The Wilkins Community House will host a community potluck supper at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 19. The community house is located on Plummer Hill in Waterford Flat next to the church.

Hosts for this month are Myra Maltby and Marion Brennan. Bring a friend or neighbor and a dish to share and enjoy chatting with new and old friends. Rolls and beverage will be provided. Folks from surrounding communities are welcomed.

Woodstock: History of surveying

WOODSTOCK — In keeping with the town’s 200th birthday celebration, local surveyor, Barry Allen, will present a program at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at the Whitman Memorial Library.

Using old maps and pictures, Allen will give a brief history of early New England and Maine surveying, with a special emphasis on the surveying and lotting of the eastern half of Woodstock, known as the Gorham Academy Grant, based upon the original field notes of the surveyor, James Irish Jr.


The program is open to the public at no charge and light refreshments will be served.

Corned beef supper, dance at Legion

PARIS — There will be a St. Patrick’s corned beef and cabbage supper and dance from 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at the Foster-Carroll Post No. 72, 12 Church St., sponsored by the Auxiliary.

Supper is $8 for adults, $4 ages 12 and under.

Jones Dance Band will follow from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dance is $5.

Spring fair benefits Poland food bank


POLAND — The annual spring fair fundraiser for the Poland Community Church Food Bank will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 21, at Church Parish House, 1212 Maine St. (Route 26).

Tables and events will include Candyland, Twice Nice, springtime table, surprises, a silent auction and Chef Sharon’s annual luncheon of fish chowder or homemade soup, finger roll sandwiches, dessert and beverage.

Call 998-4227 to become a $10 table sponsor.

All fair proceeds will benefit the PCC Food Bank, which serves Minot, Mechanic Falls and Poland. The first $300 raised will be matched by a local benefactor.

Harrison Lions plan turkey dinner

HARRISON — The Harrison Lions Club will have a turkey dinner from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at the Harrison Lions Den on the lower level of the Block building.

The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. The dinner will be complete with all the fixings.

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