Liam Gallagher, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Gallagher of Bryant Pond and a senior at Telstar Regional High School, has been selected to receive the 2015 Maine Principal’s Award. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic excellence, outstanding school citizenship, and leadership.

Ranked second in his class of 55, Liam has consistently challenged himself with AP and Honors courses throughout high school. Liam is an engaged learner and actively seeks academic enrichment opportunities. For example, he is currently taking an online Latin course through Virtual High School and has also taken a few AP4ALL courses. In addition, an innovative and strong leader, as a ninth grader, Liam was one of the creators of our technology team.

Liam is an integral part of our school community and his participation in extracurricular activities is rather extensive. A three-season athlete, he served as Captain of both the soccer and Nordic ski teams his junior and senior years and has earned Varsity letters in soccer, alpine and Nordic skiing since the ninth grade. In soccer, he was presented with the “Coach’s” award and received the “MVC (Mountain Valley Conference) Academic All-Star” award. A skimeister all four years, Liam has earned several awards in both alpine and Nordic skiing, such as “Athlete of the Month” and “Most Improved”. He has obtained similar awards in track and field: “Hustle” and “Athlete of the Month.” Liam’s involvement in non-athletic activities is also monumental. A four-year member, he holds the position of President of our chapter of Future Business Leaders of America and has received several awards at FBLA’s spring leadership conferences. A member of National Honor Society, Student Council Co-President and Co-President of the senior class, Liam has organized and implemented numerous fundraising and community service projects. He has been active in Drama since the ninth grade and held the lead role in the 2013 Christmas production. Always willing to help others, he has served as a peer tutor and Library Aid and has assisted the school with his skills in lighting and sound technology.

Liam’s dedication to community service is outstanding. Through his position as a youth leadership team co-chair, he leads all meetings, emcees at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland’s state convention, and essentially works with all committees involved on the team. He is also the lead alter server of the parish he attends. A commentator and videographer for local access television, Liam recently began to anchor our schools’ newscast. A natural leader, Liam was selected to attend the annual Leadership Conference sponsored by the local Rotary club and was also selected to participate in Boys’ State. Liam has identified unique experiences that have proved significant for both his academic and personal growth. These have included leadership conferences, a job shadow experience with the Secretary of State, and conversations with former foreign dignitary His Excellence Bishop Dennis Madden of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and other clergy within this Catholic diocese.

While the majority of Liam’s work experiences have been non-paid and largely volunteer positions, he did obtain typical “job” responsibilities through his position in an ice cream shop, through which he was delegated a variety of management duties. In addition, he has served as a camp counselor at the local conservation camp, and has also performed landscaping duties.

Liam Gallagher, Mrs. Bell and other award winners along with their principals will attend an Honors Luncheon at the Spectacular Event Center in Bangor on Saturday, April 11. The Honors Luncheon recognizes these outstanding students with the presentation of an individual plaque, recipient’s photo, formal dinner and the awarding of five $1,000 scholarships.

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