LIVERMORE FALLS — The Regional School Unit 73 board Thursday unanimously approved establishing a food pantry at Livermore Elementary School.

The Good Shepherd Food-Bank will sponsor the pantry.

Principal Kevin Harrington said about 63 percent of children are qualified for free or reduced-price lunches. He said he has noticed some children hoard food Fridays and believes they take it home for the weekend.

The school will distribute backpacks supplied by L.L. Bean for $1 each so children can bring food home without others noticing.

He said Hannaford supermarkets and other contributors helped with initial funding for the program.

“We saw the need and went after it,” he said.


Letters will soon go home to parents describing how the food pantry program works.

He hopes that the food bank will be up and running before April vacation.

In other matters, Superintendent Kenneth Healey said the acting state commissioner of education plans to visit RSU 73 as part of a study on consolidating school districts.

He also updated the board on the results of his meeting with the town manager and selectmen in Livermore Falls when he offered the former Livermore Falls high and middle schools to the town. He said selectmen plan to tour the school before making a decision. No interest was shown in the middle school.

Also on Thursday:

* Longtime Spruce Mountain Middle School teacher Carol Hardy submitted her resignation.


* Spruce Mountain High School Principal T.J. Plourde told the board the senior class wants to hold its prom in the middle school cafeteria.

* Jay Elementary School Principal Chris Hollingsworth said about 50 students participated in the Tooth Angel Program in which a mobile dental office visits schools.

* Teachers Sue St. Pierre and Anne Weatherbee received permission to take up to 54 students to see “Alladin” on Broadway in New York City in May. The play is part of a humanities seminar taught by the teachers.

* Spruce Mountain Middle School Principal Scott Albert announced the annual eighth-grade Boston trip fundraiser, The Price Is Right, will take place at the school on March 21.

* The board will begin working on the 2015-16 budget at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, at the Central Office.

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