A community is a group of people, who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life – and I don’t mean money. — William Baldwin

The Board of Directors and I would like to WELCOME Catalyst Paper to our community. We all feel very fortunate that you chose to settle here in the River Valley and hope that you have much success in our area. We believe in our communities in the River Valley and working together we all will achieve great things.

Here it is February already; hopefully spring is right around the corner, but as I sit here and look out my window while I write this, I’m thinking how fortunate we are to have all this wonderful snow for our skiers, snowmobilers, and whatever other recreational activity you do with snow. Outdoor activity is great exercise and hopefully the temperatures will climb just a little so that all can enjoy the season.

Whatever you enjoy doing, take the time to enjoy it here, in YOUR “community”! This is the River Valley community’s opportunity to come together, to work, to live and to make this community’s standard of living and quality of life better! I urge you to support YOUR COMMUNITY!



River Valley Chamber of Commerce

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