The U.S. Senate continues to wrestle with vexing immigration problems, most recently over a bill to authorize spending for the Department of Homeland Security; the current spending bill expires on Feb. 27.

Amendments to the bill would deny funding for President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesties, which would defer deportation for up to 5 million illegal aliens —  fully 44 percent of the 11.4 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the country. (Source: Migration Policy Institute, January, 2015.)

The Senate Democrats blocked a vote on the bill, demanding that the offensive amendments be stripped away and consideration then be given to a “clean” bill.

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins voted for the bill and, in a Sept. 25, 2014 email to the author, said, “I, too, am very concerned about the president acting unilaterally through executive orders, or otherwise, to bring about broad and substantive changes in United States federal immigration policy …”

U.S. Sen. Angus King voted with the Democrats, against the bill, in spite of an earlier statement, “I, also, frankly am concerned about the constitutional separation of powers. You know, the Constitution says that the Congress makes the law and the president executes it. It’s a very clear division.” (Source: FAIR Gov’t Relations, Jan. 29, 2015.)

So, Sen. King has “concerns”?

Sure. That and 5 cents will get you a very stale Depression-era cigar.

Bob Casimiro, Bridgton

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