I have doubts about the tax changes proposed by Gov. Paul LePage. I pay three times as much to the federal government than to the state. I would prefer paying more to the state.

An income tax is the fairest tax because those who can afford it will pay more than the poor. A sales tax takes from the poorest citizens.

In his column Feb. 3, Rich Lowry described the Koch brothers as idealistic, wonderful citizens with an admirable concern for democracy. I see them as using part of their huge fortune in an attempt to buy democracy and control the U.S. government. Their campaign contribution of $400 million must have bought a lot of influence.

Evidently, “regulations” is a naughty word. The Koch brothers and the Republicans hate all regulations. Tell that to school principles, teachers, policemen or parents. Civilization must have rules, some written as laws, some socially understood. For example, I am so glad that former Sen. Ed Muskie was able to get the Clean Water Act passed that regulates what is allowed in Maine’s rivers and lakes.

The climate change deniers are OK with tons of carbon dioxide pouring into the Earth’s atmosphere, or a pipeline through the middle of the U.S. that could easily spring a leak. Fracking is another activity that I don’t trust. Clean energy, such as solar and wind power, need to be encouraged and increased.

Regulations are meant to protect people, animals and the environment. It should not be considered a bad word.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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