LEWISTON — The Meadowview Seniors have planned adult day trips for anyone interested. They are:

Sunday, April 12: Annual trip to Lac Megantic, Canada, for the Sugar Party. Price includes bus, meal and some shopping.

Wednesday, June 24: Danvers, Mass., to be entertained by the “Drifters” from the ’40s to ’60s, including the popular song “Under the Boardwalk,” plus many other top songs. Price includes bus and meal.

Saturday, July 25: Foster’s Clam Bake in York. Price includes bus, meal and some shopping.

Wednesday, Sept 23: The HOBO Train in the New Hampshire Mountains, with a meal on the train. Price includes bus and meal, followed by a stop at the Oxford Casino.

Sunday, Nov. 29: Annual Christmas trip to Indian Head. Price includes bus, meal, refreshment, photo with Santa and free gift, plus entertainment by Don Who. Also includes a stop at the Christmas Loft.

For more information, contact escort Bert Dutil at 786-2305. To receive a flier, leave your name and phone number for him to call back.

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