PARIS — A Norway man faces up to a year in prison for a burglary last year in Hebron that included the theft of the family’s golden retriever. 

Timothy Scott Robbins, 28, of 816 Crockett Ridge Road, pleaded guilty to felony burglary and theft charges in Oxford County Superior Court on Friday afternoon  in a deal with state prosecutors that sets a cap of one year that he will be incarcerated. 

The crimes carried a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. 

In March 2014, Robbins and Diane Downs, 42, also of 816 Crockett Ridge Road, broke into a home on Lane Road and carted off two laptops, two iPads, three digital cameras, an Xbox and 35 to 40 games, jewelry and the couple’s then 2-year-old golden retriever, Kali.  

The dog was returned unharmed to the owners after an outcry on social media three days later. 

In August, Downs was sentenced to two years in prison with all but 35 days suspended, and ordered to pay restitution of $1,318.95. 


Robbins was identified in a lineup by a witness, and police later recovered some of the goods after searching Robbins’ residence. 

The matter has been continued for sentencing hearing.

Defense attorney Sarah Glynn said the agreement with the state called for a base three-year sentence to the Maine Department of Corrections with an undetermined amount of time suspended and two years of probation. Restitution has not been determined, she said.

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