?Arriving on the first day of classes my eighth grade year came with what I thought would be a major struggle. Instead, I walked into the building, peering at the Saint Dominic statue in the center of my view, with the crowd of people gathered behind it. Everyone seemed so big then. Seniors walked by me looking down, almost as if they were skyscrapers. Instead, I came to find that these people were not scary buildings but instead almost like friendly giants as I passed by and they stuck out their hands for a high five. Everyone looked so happy, so connected with each other, in a way that could be described as nothing less than a family. These people had a special bond together, one of trust, assistance, community, and so much more. It is a bond that creates special ties to each other, ties that carry on beyond the classroom through the end of high school. I may now say, from the moment I stepped foot here, I have felt part of a family, not just because of the mere fact that my entire heritage had taken place here, but also because I truly felt at home and comfortable with the people, my people. This aspect of Saint Doms showed me community, family, and excellence.

?The teachers here are what makes this school challenging, but also fun, with a preparation for life that surpasses any other. They are the kind of people that no matter what the circumstance, they are always willing and able to help. Whether it be homework or class issues, or even advice on what to do about a personal matter, they are there with an open mind, ready to listen. Our teachers not only helped me to break out of my shell with becoming a more open person, but they also helped me to be more social, as I became comfortable with talking to many of them throughout my high school years.

?One teacher tells me about my cousin, Joey, who used to attend here and is now enlisted in the U.S. Navy. She tells me how whenever she had a free period, he and a few friends would always come into her classroom to talk about anything and everything. I have even heard that our principal, Mrs. Girouard, wanted my parents to be a couple, since they were both high school sweethearts. It obviously worked in her (and my!) favor. This aspect of Saint Dom’s showed me history, heritage, and trust.

?Another aspect of our community is the sports teams for which I was rostered. Soccer, hockey, and lacrosse were my passions, and it was my goal to make varsity as I stepped onto the fields and ice my freshman year. I was lucky enough to obtain a spot on all three teams, paving the way for my own stories to be told and games to be won. Our teams fought with so much spirit, so much passion, like none I have ever seen before. We always worked hard, playing to the best of our ability in practices as well as in games. The upper classmen were always there to help me out when I was struggling with something, and showing me how it’s done. The teams which I played on never gave up, showing ambition in their sport, an attitude that I quickly found extended into the classroom. Even if someone was having trouble in school, another person on that team would assist them, helping out with what they needed. This aspect of Saint Dom’s showed me drive, pride, and perseverance no matter what the circumstance.

?Saint Dom’s has truly paved my path for life. It has shown me the right way, with many values to be learned along the way. From the knowledgeable lessons in the classroom, to the values learned working as a team, I gained something unique from the St. Dom’s experience. Saint Dominic Academy has shown me Integrity, Community, and Excellence in a way that has solidified its existence inside me. It has shown me faith, trust, hope, teamwork, and hard work (with enjoyment spread all around) as I worked my way up to being a senior. Indeed, this school has taught me all of this, however there is one thing that stands out above the rest. St. Dom’s has given me an extended family and friendships with people that will last for many years to come. It has done this for my entire family, and will also do the same for you.

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