We succeed, when our members succeed!

What happens after you become a member?

• Chamber membership is one of the best investments you can make in your business. Start getting your return on investment today!

Start Spreading the News.

• Add Jenny@androscoggincounty.com to your media list. Send us your news and announcements to include in our publications!

• Got events? Post them on our Community Calendar at www.androscoggincounty.com. Simply click “Submit an Event,” all Community Calendar events are included in our e-events newsletter.


• Place your brochure or flyer in our lobby

• Place an ad on our website, e-news, or printed newsletter

• Include a flyer in one of our mailings

Connect for Success.

• Join a committee. Meet fellow professionals and share the wealth of opportunity in our region.

• Attend a Breakfast, Business After Hours, Seminar or Brown Bag. Our programs are designed to help you get the information you need and make connections to help you succeed!


• Network with us online! You can follow us on Twitter, join our LinkedIn group or become our fan on Facebook to share and receive information.

• Need meeting space? Reserve our conference room!

• Sign up to be a spotlighter at breakfast. Set up a display table at a monthly Chamber breakfast.

Work Your Bottom Line.

• View available Member & Community Coupons on www.androscoggincounty.com. Submit your own special offer for fellow Chamber members to gain even more exposure!

• Sponsor a Chamber Event


• Donate one of your products or services to be given as a door prize at a Chamber event.

Remember: Membership is corporate, so all your staff members are eligible to participate in programs! To learn more about opportunities available through your membership, call us at 207-783-2249 or visitwww.androscoggincounty.com.

The Chamber is your partner, and our staff is here to help.

Chip Morrison, President


Maureen Aube, Operations Manager



Deborah Conway, Program Coordinator


Jennifer Ziebart, Communications & YPLAA Coordinator


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