BETHEL — After being postponed for more than six months, the Board of Selectmen has scheduled a public hearing for May 11 to discuss whether to remove the fluoride from the town’s drinking water.

Although the town has added fluoride to the water supply since 1970, Bethel business owner Sarah Lane brought evidence of health risks before the selectmen and asked for them to organize a town vote on whether to stop using it in the drinking water.

Lane, who is not a resident of Bethel, said there is evidence of fluoride being linked to brain damage.

Following an Aug. 2014 public hearing at which residents gave their opinions on the issue, the selectmen voted to postpone a special referendum town meeting scheduled for Sept. 8, 2014, and schedule it for June 9, 2015, a day before the town’s annual town meeting.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Stan Howe said that there would likely be a higher number of people voting if the special referendum was held in June.

In other business, Town Manager Christine Landes said she tabled an issue involving an upgrade to the Bethel Citizen’s heating system.


“We’re looking to tie the Bethel Citizen into the town office’s heating system, since they’re attached to the back of the building,” Landes said.

The Bethel Citizen office currently operates on oil, while the town office operates on a pellet heater.

“I’m waiting on an updated quote for what it would cost for them to tie into our heating system,” Landes said.

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