The River Valley Chamber of Commerce is your voice — leading you and your business to professional growth and prosperity here in the Western Mountains of Maine.

Our Chamber is now 103 years old, founded in December 1912 with this goal: to secure new industries, to enhance and develop industries already here, and to promote and develop the resources of the town and surrounding vicinities. By 1920, 125 businessmen were active members of the Chamber of Commerce. In 1995, the name of the Chamber was changed from the Rumford Chamber of Commerce to the River Valley Chamber of Commerce to better reflect the membership and surrounding towns and communities that it serves.

The benefits of membership are numerous and everyone benefits when the area thrives and grows. There is strength in numbers, as Thomas Jefferson stated “United we stand and divided we fall.”

I once heard a fable that explains the concept of unity thus: a wise old man in order to teach children the value of unity, had them try and break a single arrow, then two arrows together, then three, until eventually the bundle of arrows was great enough that they could not be broken.

We all need to unite and work together to promote and grow the River Valley area. The River Valley Chamber board of directors looks forward to working with you in achieving this. Together, we can make a difference.

Join Us; It’s Where We Want To Be!


Membership with The Chamber is the only way to take full advantage of the benefits we offer.

Benefits of being a Chamber member

Being a member of the Chamber is the first step to increasing area knowledge of your business and service. The Chamber’s membership has access to exclusive benefits; however, it is still the responsibility of your business to take advantage of these opportunities. See the list of exclusive Membership Benefits in your Membership Package to ensure that your Chamber membership is working for you.

As a member, you will have exclusive access to our membership list for FREE, empowering you with the ability to conduct your own advertising efforts. Membership lists are only distributed to members, and never sold to a third party.

The Chamber features a different business in the Rumford Falls Times Chamber Chatter Column weekly as well as in the Sun Journal Chamber insert monthly. This feature is read by hundreds of potential customers. This exposure allows a business to offer a personal description of their services and values they provide to their customers. This benefit is FREE for Chamber Members!

If you are interested in having your business featured, please provide the following information in a personal format similar to a letter to your customers. The average submission is 200 words or about three medium-size paragraphs.


When was your business founded?

Where is your business located? (Not just your address, but something like “the scenic hills of Western Maine” or “the heart of Rumford.”)

Is your business seasonal, or only operate certain times of the day or week?

What services does your business offer?

What makes your business/services standout among competitors?

Any recent improvements/renovations to provide a new experience?


How many employees? How do your employees contribute to make your business special?

What are the values of your business? (ie. Exceptional customer service, environmental awareness, family togetherness, etc.)

Are there special events or promotions you have coming up?

Contact info to find you to fulfill their services.

Send in your membership renewal today!


Cheryl A.G. Dickson

Chamber Administrator

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