Before outlining the New Skier Incentive Program, the board, employees and the individuals who make up the Black Mountain community would like to thank everyone who purchased a season pass this year. We are excited to announce that the number of season passes sold this year is greater than the number sold last year, which is a cause for celebration in itself.

While season pass sales are a key factor to our success, we must also increase our daily skier visits in order to succeed not only this season but in seasons to come. One of the items that the board has been discussing is how to generate new skier visits while keeping within a tight budget. The New Skier Incentive Program was dreamed up and designed specifically to achieve this challenge.

Essentially, all the New Skier Incentive Program asks of season pass holders is that they become ambassadors for Black Mountain. We are asking that each season pass holder find 20 new “first-time” skiers who have not yet experienced all that Black Mountain has to offer.

Ask them to fill out and hand in one of the incentive program forms, which can be found on our website or at the ticket office on their first visit to Black Mountain. Once 20 “first timers” have purchased a day ticket and listed you as the season pass holder who encouraged their visit, the board has agreed to give you back the cash value of your season pass.* We know you are already helping us spread the word about Black Mountain, now you have the opportunity to help yourself at the same time.

*Any New Skier Incentive Program participant who, after receiving the cash value of their season pass, chooses to make a donation of it will be making a tax-deductible donation. Black Mountain Ski Resort is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and as such all donations are tax deductible.

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