“You can’t please everybody,” was the explanation U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin gave on a talk radio program recently while revealing his intention to support another term for Rep. John Boehner as the speaker of the house. That, despite the fact that Boehner supported passage of the federal budget that included funding for Obamacare and President Obama’s initiative concerning illegal immigrants.

Poliquin was absolutely right, of course — you can’t please everybody, but pleasing the people who put him in office might have been a good place to start.

Newly-elected Congressman Poliquin was not the only one with a short memory. All but 25 Republican congressmen forgot the wishes of the majority of their constituents. All but 25 Republican congressmen forgot that a majority of people in the nation had voted Republican, because they desired neither Obamacare nor the president’s action regarding immigration.

I submit that the thoughtful, long-remembering elephant is no longer a fitting symbol for the political party that promises one thing on the campaign trail and delivers something else once in office. The weasel would perhaps be a more appropriate representation of today’s Republican Party.

Mark Armstrong, Lisbon

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