In the 38 years this event has taken place, it has never been postponed due to the weather. The very first Chester Greenwood Day was held in 1977, with the town snowplow leading the parade! There have been many years when the mercury dropped way below the freezing mark, and every year the community comes together, despite the weather, to celebrate Farmington’s own famous inventor of the earmuff.

Leading the parade this year was Chester Greenwood (portrayed by Farmington resident Clyde Ross), Town Manager Richard Davis, Mark Gentle singer, and Megan McCarthy, author of a new children’s book about the famous inventor, all riding the Chamber of Commerce float provided by Rob Elliot Trucking.

A large crowd cheered on the floats as they made their way through downtown Farmington. This year’s theme for the parade was “Holiday Movies” and floats did not disappoint!

There were Grinches and Who’s from Who Ville, Peanuts characters, Polar Express “trains,” and other familiar scenes from holiday movies from our past.

Following the parade, Mark Gentle sang the national anthem and a flag raising was held at the courthouse. Paul Mills recited a poem he had written about Chester Greenwood Day as the flag was raised on this blustery day.

The Rotary Club held their annual Festival of Trees at the Old North Church with a great turnout! The “Polar Bears” took their annual jump into Clearwater Lake, to the amazement of many onlookers! And many folks enjoyed warming up with the chili challenge following the parade.


Here is the list of winners from events held during Chester Greenwood Day:

Gingerbread House Contest 2014

Adult 1st place – Robin Belcher

Adult 2nd place- Melissa Audy

Youth 1st place – Megan Baker

Youth 2nd place – Paige White


Chili Challenge 2014:

First Place- Tom Marcellino

Second place- John Bachelder

Parade Floats:

Adult First Place: Comfort Inn & Suites

Youth First Place: Scout Troop #486

Adult Second Place: Franklin/Sun Journal

Adult Third Place: UCU, Farmington

(Photos courtesy of Scott Landry)

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