PARIS — The SAD 17 board of directors approved a one-year extension of Superintendent Rick Colpitts’ contract Monday.

The action followed an executive session to conduct an evaluation.

The board is required by state law to review the superintendent’s performance in December of each year and to decide whether to extend his contract. The directors will not act on a potential pay raise until 2016.

The board set the superintendent’s salary of $111,661 for three years in July 2013.

Colpitts said the evaluation, which is done by each member of the Personnel Committee, is ranked one to five. Members submitted their individual evaluations to the Personnel Committee chairman, who met with the superintendent just before Monday night’s meeting.

At the board meeting, the Personnel Committee reviewed the results of the evaluation with the full board of directors in executive session. The time allows each member to make comments as well as the superintendent.


Colpitts said he has asked for a review every six months.

Next June the superintendent will present his goals for the district and himself to the board, and the following December they will conduct the annual review.

In June 2016, the superintendent said he will present how he attained those goals. The goals will be based on the district’s new strategic plan, which received its first reading Monday night.

Colpitts was appointed superintendent in 2010, succeeding Mark Eastman who retired after holding the post for 15 years. In May of that year, the directors gave Colpitts a three-year contract with an annual salary of $103,000.

The board has voted to extend the contract by one year each of the following years.

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