LIVERMORE FALLS — At its meeting Thursday night, the RSU 73 board approved an educational technician position to assist in the Crossroads program, learned that board Chairman Denise Rodzen has been appointed to the state school board from the local region and heard a request to make bowling an official high school sport.

Superintendent Kenneth Healey said additional students now enrolled in the Crossroads program required that another educational technician be assigned.

He said sufficient funds are available in the current budget to fund the position.

Crossroads is a special education program for middle and high school students.

In a similar matter, the board approved adding a half-time position to the Central Office staff.

Several students appeared before the board, requesting that the Spruce Mountain High School bowling team be made official so that it could use district transportation for meets. Both boys and girls are interested in the team.


Healey said estimated costs are expected to be about $3,000 a year. He said the bowling team’s request will appear as a budget item as the board devises a proposed 2015-16 operating budget.

Board members Rodzen and Amy McDaniel were appointed to represent the board on the Professional Evaluation Committee. This ad hoc committee, which is comprised mostly of teachers, will devise a plan for evaluating teachers and administrators.

In other matters, Healey said several leaks have occurred in the roof of the Central Office Building. Repairs, which were expected to be completed on Friday, are estimated to cost between $5,000 and $15,000.

Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Director Ken Vining also reported that two school buses, a 1997 Blue Bird and and 2002 Blue Bird, along with a 2001 GMC pickup truck, are being sold. Deadline to make a bid is Dec. 31.

Board members approved the first reading of a policy that outlines requirements for use of school classrooms. Healey said nonprofit groups may continue to use a classroom during normal work hours at no cost, except for custodial needs. However, for-profit groups must pay a $25 fee. Final action will be taken at the Jan. 8 board meeting.

Faith Hersey was hired as an educational technician for Livermore Elementary School.

The board also held closed-door sessions. Healey said the board denied a grievance lodged by an educational technician against the RSU 73 Educational Association, and they also evaluated the superintendent.

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