FARMINGTON — The outdoor activities for Coats for Kids Day at Franklin Savings Bank planned for Saturday, Dec. 6, have been cancelled.

The bank had planned to serve hot chocolate and popcorn while collecting coats during the Chester Greenwood Day Parade. Instead, the collection box will be in the lobby of Franklin Savings Bank at 197 Main St. beginning Saturday.

Collection boxes will be available at all branches throughout December. Everyone is invited to donate a new or gently-worn coat.

Franklin Savings Bank, through the Maine Bankers Association, is sponsoring Coats for Kids Day throughout Maine. The member banks of the Maine Bankers Association have collectively made a donation to the Salvation Army.

The donated coats are sent to Portland for cleaning. The Salvation Army distributes them to needy families in Maine.

Anyone in need of a coat should contact the Salvation Army directly.

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