BETHEL — The Bethel Rotary Club will host its semiannual Country Breakfast from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 30, at Gould Academy’s Ordway Hall dining room.

Proceeds are used for community projects and scholarships.

Robin Zinchuk, club vice president, said the breakfast is a longtime tradition.

“I’ve been a member of the Bethel Rotary Club since 1988, and the Country Breakfast was being held then,” she said. “I can’t be entirely sure, but they were likely holding the breakfast before that. It’s been one of the Rotary’s traditional programs.”

The menu includes eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and fruit.

“It’s all the usual things offered at a Gould Academy breakfast,” Zinchuk said. “The Rotarians get there early and cook the food. It’s all-you-can-eat, so people who have a hearty appetite are getting a good deal.


“We’ve done it at Gould Academy for most of the years that I’ve been with the Rotary,” Zinchuk said. “We try to schedule the breakfast at a time when it’s convenient for Gould. Usually, it’s when the kids are away on vacation.”

Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the door; children under 12, $3.

The club holds a breakfast each spring and fall.

“It’s a modest fundraiser for the Rotary,” she said. “We have a couple of fundraisers that are really big, such as the yard sale and auction we hold in the summer and our Christmas for Children fundraiser. The Country Breakfast is a little smaller. I don’t have an exact figure in front of me, but I’d guess we bring in a bit less than $2,000 from it.”

The money supports community programs and scholarships for Bethel students, Zinchuk said.

“The Bethel Rotary Club gives small grants to 20 different organizations,” she said. “People and local organizations come and make presentations to us, and while we can’t fund everything, we do have a budget for community outreach and giving. For instance, we’ve given money in the past to the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts and the Bethel Library.”

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