RUMFORD — The Pennacook Art Center and the River Valley Growth Council will host their monthly art show from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, at the River Valley Technology Center, 60 Lowell St.

Christine Wing, whose art is frequently included in the art shows, said the group decided to move the show from Friday to Thursday to give more people an opportunity to attend.

“Most people leave town on Friday, or have other plans,” Wing said. “We figured that on Thursday, we’d have more of a chance of people turning out.”

The show typically consists of paintings, drawings and photographs, with many of the artists available to answer questions.

Wine and cheese will be served, Wing said.

According to its website, The Pennacook Art Center is a grassroots, nonprofit, cooperative group of artists from Western Maine who encourage the arts and artists in our local communities.

For more information, send an email to the Pennacook Art Center at

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