This is in response to the Connie Schultz column, printed Nov. 11.

First, I think it is an insult to the average patriotic American and to every military veteran (especially on Veterans Day) to read about the U.S. flag being desecrated for political reasons.

Next, Schultz’s support for Planned Parenthood reveals her amoral attitude toward babies in the womb. Does she not also realize that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was openly a racist who used her position to further her bigoted agenda? I found that shocking information on a website that offered a reprint of an article that first appeared in the Jan. 20, 1992, edition of Citizen magazine. A web search revealed other articles of the same nature.

And then, there’s this assertion that those who oppose murdering unborn children are violating a woman’s right to control her own body.

Is this woman so silly as to not know that the baby in the mother’s womb is not a part of her body? Her blood does not flow in the veins of the baby, and the baby often has a different blood type, as well as a unique genetic code.

The mother provides shelter and nourishment for the child, but the child is a separate human entity with his/her own individual right to life.

I am really sick of those leftist feminists spouting their propaganda promoting infanticide.

Laird Bean, Hanover

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