LIVERMORE FALLS — RSU 73 Superintendent Kenneth Healey announced a tentative schedule for development of and action on a proposed 2015-16 operating budget at the regular board meeting Thursday night.

The current year’s budget, which was adopted by a narrow margin, was $18.89 million.

The schedule was announced now because of the time required for gathering data needed to develop budgets for each of the buildings and other cost centers.

Announced were: Feb. 26, budget workshop session; March 4, overview of regular education costs; March 11, review of costs for transportation, buildings and grounds, debt service, central office; March 18, final review of the proposal by the board; March 26, action by the board on the proposed budget; April 8, town meeting-style public budget vote; April 28, validation of the figure devised at the budget meeting by referendum in each of the three member towns.

All meetings are open to the public and begin at 6 p.m. in the Central Office except for the two public votes.

The school district and the three member towns — Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls — are discussing holding public votes on municipal budgets at the same time as the proposed school budget.


Healey said he shares monthly breakfasts with each of the town administrators. It is unlikely that an alignment of school and municipal budget votes would happen in 2015 but could in 2016.

Jay board member Michael Schaedler said members of the public should have a chance to provide input on a school budget proposal early in the budget development process rather than at the very end.

“Waiting until the end is too late,” he said.

Board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen said all meetings are open to the public, including comments on the developing budget.

The RSU 73 district has a current enrollment of 1,570 students. Healey said the breakdown is: Livermore Elementary School, 401; Jay Elementary School, 351; Spruce Mountain Middle School, 366; and Spruce Mountain High School, 452.

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