
Helen Rankin

Email address

Party affiliation



Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district


Occupation or primary source of income

Retired, school nutrition (Lunch lady)


Community organizations

Hiram Community Church, Hiram Historical Society, and Hiram Community Center.

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)


Family status



Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?


Committee assignments you want

Education and Cultural Affairs.


Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Yes. I believe every family should have a family doctor. It would save lives, help create jobs, and help our hospitals.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?


Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Yes. We must reduce our dependence on oil.


Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

Yes. I support increasing the minimum wage to help strengthen and grow our middle class.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

Jobs and the economy.

What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I listen and care for the people of my district. I’ve been a strong advocate for them in Augusta.


Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

A caring and deeply committed advocate for my constituents


Nathan Wadsworth

Email address


Party affiliation


Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district



Occupation or primary source of income

Forestry company manager

Community organizations

4-H East Baldwin Congregational Church

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

Family comes first. Then hiking, skiing, helping with 4-H events, beef cattle farming, real estate investing, boating.


Family status


Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?



Committee assignments you want

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Medicaid should not be expanded again. It would be an incredible burden on Maine taxpayers and I hear from many constituents about decreasing their taxes. Our resources are scarce and should be allocated to those in need.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

Yes. The prohibition of alcohol never worked and the prohibition of marijuana does not work either. Legalizing marijuana and taxing it would create revenue as opposed to having a black market and no tax revenue generated. It would free up law enforcement to go after real criminals.


Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

No. The free market will dictate our energy sources. I consider wood to be Maine’s most abundant and renewable natural resource. I do not see why tax dollars should be used on wind or solar when many Mainers heat their homes with wood and electricity is generated from biomass.

Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

I do not support increasing the minimum wage. If you raise the cost of labor companies demand less labor and substitute more capital. I have an economics degree and it’s proven that raising the minimum wage increases unemployment. Raising the minimum wage hurts more people than it helps.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

Economic growth is most important to the voters in my district. So many of our jobs come from farming, forestry and natural resource jobs. I have worked in natural resources for over a decade and understand how to create growth and jobs.


What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I am by far the most qualified for this job. I have an economics degree. I have managed a growing forestry company for over a decade and I know what it’s like to create new jobs and hire employees. I have a young family and I want to help our schools.

Describe yourself in a “Tweet”


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