
David Sawicki

Email address

Party affiliation



Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district


Occupation or primary source of income

Founder/CEO Voice Teleservices


Community organizations

Prince of Peace Parish, Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce, Portland Chamber of Commerce

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

My family enjoys all that the Maine outdoors has to offer: swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, skiing, enjoying the coast, and this time of year attending agricultural fairs. When I have free time I enjoy picking up a guitar, or sitting at the piano composing music.

Family status

Married, 4 children


Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?


Committee assignments you want

Environment and Natural Resources; Education and Cultural Affairs; Health and Human Services; Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development; Veterans and Legal Affairs.


Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

I do not support expanding the state’s Medicaid program “MaineCare” as proposed. The last time the state did so we amassed a $400 million debt that went unpaid for years, hurting our hospitals and their employees.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

I believe the possession of this plant material by adults 21 or older should be decriminalized. The sale and distribution should be controlled.

Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?



Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

I believe the minimum wage should be pegged to the inflation rate and reviewed and adjusted as needed every few years.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

They do not like seeing their hard-earned pay going to provide welfare benefits to non-citizens and able-bodied people. Veterans want access to health care that is quality and complete. Voters want more employment options nearby with better pay.

What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

Maine needs to attract large employers to the state while also helping our local businesses to thrive. We need to expand the tax base by growing employment. I’m from Maine, with 25 years of real world business experience and have created new jobs with the business I started in 2005.


Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

I’m the kind of person who believes that communicating with friends or constituents, in a meaningful way, is worth more than a Tweet.


Bettyann Sheats

Email address


Party affiliation


Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district



Occupation or primary source of income

Owner of Finishing Touches Glass Shower Doors

Community organizations

St. Mary’s Food Pantry, Advisory Committee; Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church, vestry member; Auburn Lewiston Airport, board member; Maine People’s Alliance, volunteer; American Legion Post 31, member

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

I spend most of my free time enjoying Maine with family: downhill skiing, gardening, hiking, kayaking , and (honestly, too much time) drinking coffee at local small businesses talking about Maine with friends. I also love puzzles, Sudoku and such, which is why I love politics. Everything effects something else.


Family status


Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?



Committee assignments you want

Veterans and Legal Affairs; Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development; Environment and Natural Resources.

Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

In my business and my campaign, I talk to hundreds of Mainers, most have benefited positively from the ACA. Those who haven’t are mostly workers caught in the gap our state has caused by not accepting Medicaid expansion. It is immoral to leave working families without access to affordable health care.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

I have too many questions and concerns still to say yes. I will say, marijuana should be decriminalized. Too many people are in prisons at tremendous cost to our cities and state, hurting their chances for obtaining good jobs later and without solving underlying problems.


Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Absolutely. Renewable energy will have the lowest cost in dollars and lives in the long run. Military units are already using many alternative sources with great success, especially solar. Conservation cannot be stressed enough. The cheapest gallon of oil or kilowatt of electricity is the one you never use.

Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

Yes, to $10 by 2017. Raising the minimum wage can be positive for employers, reducing employee turnover, improving our economy; directly helps low-earning working families, and thereby significantly helps our state reduce reliance on social services. State legislators’ pay is tied to inflation — minimum wage should be, too.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

Property taxes. The cost shifts from the state to the cities (like teacher pension funding) combined with the loss of Revenue Sharing (which cities generate through sales tax) is hurting our residents, especially seniors. GMO labeling, interestingly, and education, are the next highest concerns I hear, for families.


What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

It is easy to find fault, point out problems, assign blame. I have never taken the easy path. I will listen to the people of Maine of all political views; learn from business leaders and organizations in and out of state; and lead with integrity, good communication and teamwork.

Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

I am a Mainer: a parent, Veteran, small business owner, nature lover and community volunteer. My personal motto is Listen, Learn, Lead.

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