From a press release offered by Gov. LePage (June 25): “Social Security benefits, Medicare payments, Medicaid and state unemployment insurance benefits … It doesn’t matter what liberals call these payments, it is welfare, pure and simple.”

LePage has denied making the statement, even called people liars for mentioning it, but he can’t change his press release.

In his letter (Oct. 20), Reggie Bechard gave a dishonest assessment of LePage’s declaration about Social Security being welfare and also of Mike Michaud’s position on welfare for illegal immigrants. Michaud is against it, of course.

LePage has a “Pants on Fire” award from His ads claim he is “brutally honest,” but in reality, he is brutally dishonest.

Mainers deserve a governor who will work respectfully with everyone engaged in the process. LePage has proven he cannot do that, and Mike Michaud has proven that he can get the job done.

Tina Riley, Jay

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