AUBURN — The Robin Dow Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Schooner Estates, Tenants Harbor Room, 200 Stetson Road.

Doors will open at 10:30 a.m.

Tickets will be on sale for Thanksgiving and Christmas for $8 each.

The traditional sale of raffle tickets will be on sale.

Red traffic cones will hold parking spaces for the club’s members. If you need special assistance, go to the main entrance.

Bring a sandwich for lunch. The club will provide desserts. Donations will be accepted.


A costume parade will be held and bingo will have bonus funds for payout.

A regular meeting was held on Oct. 8 under the direction of president Carmela Hewitt.

Opening prayer was given by chaplain Pat Donohue followed by recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, the salute to the flag and singing one verse of “American the Beautiful.”

The secretary’s report was read by Opal Grant. Irving Grant red the treasurer’s report.

Chaplain Donohue reported that a card and flowers were sent to the hospital for Millie Brainerd who had fallen and broken a hip.

Several offers were received after nominations were requested to serve on the board of directors. Nominations will be accepted from the floor for the offices of president, secretary and treasurer.

Attendance winners were: Ellie Rolerson, Lee Koss; red tickets: Mary Ray, Virginia Houston, Callie Adams; blue tickets: Janis Brackenbury, Ann Gavel, Madge Gardner; yellow tickets: Carmela Hewitt, Nancy Roy, Pat Donohue.

After a closing prayer, singing of “God Bless America” and a bag lunch, bingo was called by Al Strout.

A trip to Indian Head Inn and Resort in Lincoln, N.H., will take place on Nov. 16. Membership is not required. For more information, call Jeanne at 784-5264.

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