Chesterville Grange ‘souper’ supper
CHESTERVILLE — The Chesterville Grange will have a public “souper” supper on Friday, Oct. 24, serving between 5 and 6:30 p.m.
Meal includes homemade soups, chowders, breads and dessert. Adults, $5; child, $2.50.
For more information, call 778-2282 or 778-5845.
Oxford Historical meeting change
OXFORD — The Oxford Historical Society has changed the date of its next meeting to Friday, Oct. 24, at 6 p.m. due to the last Friday being Halloween.
After a short business meeting the guest speaker will be Retired Navy Captain John Crumpton. The subject will be on Navy medal awards and decorations. Refreshments will follow the meeting.
Church plans Oct. 25 harvest fest
FARMINGTON — A harvest festival will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, at Farmington Baptist Church, 194 Whittier Road.
This is a family event with fun for all ages. There will be popcorn, punch, a bounce house, lots of games and, new this year, a best-decorated pumpkin contest with prizes.
Non-scary costumes are welcome.
Call 779-0731 for more information.
Rummage sale at St. Catherine’s
NORWAY — A rummage sale by the Youth Ministry of St. Catherine’s Church will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, in the parish hall, 32 Paris St.
A good selection of winter clothing and white elephant items will be available.
Proceeds will be used for World Youth Day to be held in Krakow, Poland, in 2016.
Rumford PTO plans craft fair
RUMFORD — The Rumford Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization will hold its 21st annual craft fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, at the school on Lincoln Avenue.
Items for sale include knitwear, jewelry, cloth handbags, wooden crafts, goat soap, doll clothes, baked goods and homemade jams, jellies and pickles.
Students will also have crafts for sale.
The ABC cafe will serve food throughout the day.
Proceeds will benefits students who attend the school.
The event is open to the public.
Animal Advocates members meeting
DIXFIELD — River Valley Animal Advocates will hold its fourth annual members meeting at 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, at the Dixfield Fire Station.
If you are an animal angel or have helped the RVAA to help the animals, you are considered to be a member.
Voting for Board of Directors for the upcoming year will take place.
Light refreshments will be served.
There will be monthly updates from meetings, lists of cats that have been helped and photos and albums of the 700-plus kitties worked with since the founding meeting in October 2009.
Financial aid night at Dirigo High
DIXFIELD — A financial aid night will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, at Dirigo High School in the SCC.
All students in grades nine through 12 and parents are welcome. This is the opportunity to learn about post-secondary financial aid options.
This information session will specifically cover the financial aid process and types of aid, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, reducing college costs and paying the bill.
This event will be presented by The Finance Authority of Maine.
For more information, call the Guidance Office at 562-4251, ext. 228.
Chesterville Town Halloween party
CHESTERVILLE — The Chesterville Town Halloween Party will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31, at the Chesterville Town Office for children 12 years of age and under.
It will include games, crafts, food, costume parade, hayride and haunted barn. This event is sponsored by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers.
For more information, call 778-3156.
Halloween fundraiser dance
LOCKE MILLS — A Halloween fundraiser dance will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31, at the Locke Mills Town Hall, upstairs.
Music will be provided by Shadagee Ramblers and Don Chase. There will be a 50/50, door prizes and a costume contest.
Admission is $7. Donations will be accepted for the Town Hall Building Fund.
Lewiston Bridge Club winners
LEWISTON — The Lewiston Bridge Club winners at the Lewiston Armory on Oct. 14 were as follows:
First, Sharron Hinckley and Fred Letourneau; second, Les Buzzell and John Pettengill; third, Luke Merry and Mike Quinn; tied at fourth/fifth, Dick Allen and Richard Balian with Paul Sherman and Mike True.
First in B, Dick Allen and Richard Balian; second in B and first in C, Larry Fortier and Roger Labbe.
Games are played every Monday and Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the Seniors’ Room at the Lewiston Armory, 65 Central Ave. A partner is always guaranteed and all bridge players are welcome.
Call Rosemarie Goodwin at 754-1431 for more information.
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