DIXFIELD — Regional School Unit 10 has received $73,000 from its insurer to help pay for damage to Muskie Auditorium at Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, directors were told Tuesday.

Superintendent Craig King said the money will not cover the total cost of repairs from last winter’s roof leaks. He said the auditorium, which is used for plays, assemblies and other events, will likely not be ready for use until next spring.

The total cost of the auditorium damage has not been determined, King said.

A major section of the school roof was resealed with $70,000 from the buildings and maintenance account. A decision on whether to make more improvements is awaiting reports from an ad hoc Buildings and Grounds Committee, an architect and a panel studying school buildings.

King said the ad hoc committee’s report will also help with developing the 2015-16 budget later this year.

In other matters, the board held its third goal-setting workshop Tuesday night to guide the district in the next several years. He said a rough draft will be unveiled at the Oct. 27 meeting.


Also on Tuesday, Dirigo Elementary School teacher Bethany Poulin said she is opposed to the Styrofoam lunch dishes used at the school.

“This goes against what is being learned,” she said. “Some states have banned it. I have lunch duty,” she said, and have seen them crack, resulting in a huge increase in messes.

The board took no action on her comments.

The next board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27, in the Buckfield Junior-Senior High School cafeteria.

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