ROXBURY — The Roxbury Riders All-Terrain Vehicle Club will celebrate its 10-year anniversary Saturday, Oct. 4, with a Fall Foliage Ride and Beef Roast.

The ride starts at 10 a.m. from club President Michael and Wanda Worthley’s residence at 1162 Roxbury Notch Road, Route 120, in Roxbury and returns there for the roast.

Michael Worthley said Tuesday morning that two rides will be offered. One is “on some of the best ATV and foliage views in Western Maine,” and the other is a trip to the Record Hill Wind Farm project in Roxbury for an overview of the foliage, he said.

“This will be our last ride of the year,” he said.

Additionally, the club is doing a Raffle Ride. People buy one ticket at $5 each as many times as they like and by the end of the day, half the money raised goes to the club and half to the winners.

“We split it, so there are three winners,” he said.


For the event’s meal, the club will be roasting the hind quarter of a beef steer.

All proceeds from the last ride will go into next year’s trail fund. There will be also a 50/50 and other raffles.

To date, Worthley said the club has raised more than $50,000 for charities in the past decade.

Amounts include more than:

* $12,000 to Make-A-Wish.

* $3,500 to the Maine Children’s Cancer Program.


* $15,000 to Christmas for Kids. Worthley said this figure includes monetary funds and the value of the toys.

* $3,500 to the Hope Association.

* $5,500 to the Lee Hodgkins Memorial Fund.

* $5,500 to the Donald E. Ryerson Children’s Education Fund.

* $3,000 to Allies for Autism.

* $2,000 to the Wounded Warrior Project of Maine.

They also raised $200 in three years for Special Olympian Darren Buker, a Maine Adaptive Sports participant, and have raised additional funds, including for local fire departments, Lions Clubs and Relay for Life.

“We also have expenses from the donations we make to various organizations,” Worthley said. “That income is generated through our poker runs and various ATV rides and events we hold from the start of the season ’till the end of the year.”

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