JAY — Town officials and employees will dedicate a new Christmas tree to police and fire Chief Larry White Sr. at the beginning of the selectpersons meeting Monday, Sept. 22.

The meeting starts at 6 p.m. at the Town Office.

White, who lives in Jay, is on medical leave while receiving treatment for cancer.

The new Fat Albert blue spruce is planted on the grassy area of the Town Office parking lot in front of the Police Station near the town sign. The tree is expected to grow up to 15 feet and is supposed to stand up better to sand, salt and inclement weather.

The town bought the tree last winter after resident Al Landry brought the idea to the selectpersons. The town always had a tree decorated for the Christmas season at the old Town Office and should have one at the new office, he told selectpersons.

Finance Manager Lisa Bryant bought the tree for $160 from Robin’s Flower Pot in Farmington. Employees have donated the tree and want it dedicated to White, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.

Town staff was given tips on maintenance from a representative of Robin’s Flower Pot, who will also be checking the tree from time to time, she said.

“Ultimately, we would like to have some sort of dedication plaque, but we are still working on that piece of it,” LaFreniere said.


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