Blood drive at Elks Lodge
FARMINGTON — An American Red Cross blood drive will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 20, at the Farmington Elks Lodge, 120 School St.
To make an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS.
Arts, Crafts Assoc. meeting
FARMINGTON — The first fall meeting of the Franklin County Arts and Crafts Association will be held Tuesday, Sept. 23, at the University of Maine at Farmington Student Center North Dining Hall.
Plans for the association’s annual Christmas crafts fair will be made. A time for fair registration will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a business session at 7.
Subsequent meetings will be held Oct. 21 and Nov. 18, also at the North Dining hall. The fair will be held Dec. 6 at the Student Center.
For more information, call 778-2791 or 778-3943.
Oriental Star plans public supper
LIVERMORE — Oriental Star Lodge on Church Street will hold a public supper at its lodge from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24.
The menu will consist of baked beans and franks, casseroles and bread, cole slaw, drinks and desserts. The hall is wheelchair accessible and take-out is available. Cost is $7 per adult and less for children.
Rangeley community breakfast Sept. 24
RANGELEY — The next Ladies/Community Breakfast will be held from 7 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24, at St. Luke’s Catholic Church on Lake Street.
They will have their usual scrumptious buffet breakfast.
If anyone has a special dietary needs, call in advance so they can try to accommodate your needs.
For more information, call 864-3807.
Homemakers to meet Sept. 25
CHESTERVILLE — The North Chesterville Extension Homemakers will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, in the Chesterville Town Office.
The topic for the evening has been changed as the September and October meetings have been switched. The September meeting will now be choosing a project for the Rotary Christmas Tree. The theme is “Maine Wildlife,” so bring ideas.
Also on the agenda will be program planning and election of officers of 2015. Bring ideas that you would be interested in participating in.
All meetings are free and the public is invited. For more information, call 778-3156.
Hospice volunteer training planned
LIVERMORE FALLS — Free hospice volunteer training in Farmington, Jay and Livermore Falls starts Sept. 25, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the RSU 73 Adult and Community Education Center, located at the old Livermore Falls High School.
Did you know over 50 percent of folks in the area nursing homes have no friends or family? Volunteers visit area nursing homes and residences offering companionship and a supportive presence.
They also help out in other ways, such as making blankets, baking goodies and making Chart of Life posters.
For more information, contact the Adult Ed program at 897-6384 or Kelly Herlihy, volunteer coordinator, at 621-1212 or
Mt. Blue football tailgate party
FARMINGTON — The 18th annual Mt. Blue Football Tailgate Party will be held before the York varsity football game on Friday, Sept. 26, at Mt. Blue High School.
The menu includes half-chicken meal for $6.50, a quarter-pound hamburger or two hot dogs each for $5. All meals include cole slaw, chips, a brownie and a drink.
Food will be served between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
Seating is available. Tickets are available from all Mt. Blue High School football players or they can be purchased at Madore’s Market in West Farmington and Shelly’s Hometown Market in East Wilton. Tickets may be available at the event but advanced purchase is advised.
All proceeds benefit the Mt. Blue High School program.
JHS Class of 1955 to meet in Jay
JAY — The Jay High School Class of 1955 will meet on Friday, Sept. 26, for the annual noon gathering. This year class members will meet at the Mill Street Cafe on Mill Street, off Route 4, across from St. Rose Parish Hall.
The cafe is where the offices were in the former Otis Paper Mill, now known as Otis Falls Mill.
Attendees will be able to choose luncheon meals off the regular menu. Those planning to attend are asked to call Joyce Couture at 897-8383 or Anita McDonald at 897-4711.
Porch sale benefits seniors’ home
FARMINGTON — A porch sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, rain or shine, at Pinewood Terrace, 136 Rosewood Drive (behind the fairgrounds).
All funds raised go toward resident activities. For more information, call 779-0511.
Campground Band dance at Jay VFW
JAY — A dance will be held from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, at the VFW Hall, 64 Jewel St.
Music will be provided by the Campground Band.
VFW Ladies selling handmade items
LIVERMORE FALLS — The VFW Post 3335 Ladies Auxiliary Craft Group will have handmade items in their booth at the Apple Pumpkin Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 27, at the Livermore Falls Recreation Field.
Co-chairwomen Barb Cook and Gail Dube have been working since March along with Linda Brackett, Diane Getz, Geri Ross and Alice Robinson to bring handmade, unique items to the festival. All proceeds will go to the new Female Veterans Clinic at Togus, VA Center.
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