LIVERMORE FALLS — GrowSmart Maine will soon release a new online community resource: Making Headway in Your Community. T

his online clearinghouse of local, regional, statewide and even national organizations connects community members with people available to assist in identifying goals and completing on-the-ground projects related to economic development, environmental conservation and community revitalization. GrowSmart Maine is partnering with the Maine Downtown Center, a program of the Maine Development Foundation, by connecting Making Headway in Your Community with their online searchable database of projects from across Maine called My Green Downtown.

In preparation for this release, GrowSmart Maine is partnering with regional organizations active in five towns already connected through their geography, economy, community connections and natural landscapes including the Androscoggin River. The towns are Livermore Falls, Jay, Livermore, Wilton and Canton. Partnering organizations are Greater Franklin Development Corporation, Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments and Androscoggin Land Trust.

Movie Night will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, at the Livermore Falls Town Office. Residents of Canton, Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls and Wilton are invited to enjoy popcorn and refreshments with a 30-minute film, “Reviving Freedom Mill,” which tells the story of Tony Grassi’s rehabilitation of an abandoned grist mill into a bustling community center with a restaurant and school that connect with rural neighbors. Tony will be on hand to discuss the process and the outcome of this adventure.

With this film as inspiration, attendees will consider what matters most in their communities and discuss successes already achieved. In addition, GrowSmart Maine will offer free and discounted registration to the Oct. 21 Summit, where participants can be a part of the release of Making Headway in Your Community and to connect with other Mainers also interested in making headway in their communities.

Following the Summit, using Making Headway in Your Community and other connections and ideas generated at the Summit, GrowSmart Maine will host a gathering to discuss possible next steps for these five communities. GrowSmart Maine will support short term, high visibility, low cost projects that raise awareness of local efforts by offering a match of up to $500 to each of the five communities. After that, with connections made with relevant resource organizations, these communities can continue to use GrowSmart Maine and Making Headway in Your Community to build on early successes and build a strong future for their hometowns.

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