TURNER — Selectmen on Monday approved four junkyard permits after holding public hearings.

Permits were granted for David Richardson at 140 Harlow Hill Road, David Richardson at 1630 Auburn Road, Lester Quimby at 38 Quimby Road and Jesse Walker at 148 Country Road.

Code Enforcement Officer Roger Williams provided photos of the properties for the board to examine.

The board also discussed other properties that were in danger of becoming junkyards. Williams said owners of some of them would be getting a letter from him regarding the condition of the properties and what cleanup was needed.

Public Works Director Jack Moultrie said they were working on the third weir on the Fish Road project and he expected that it would be completed in a week to 10 days.

Moultrie said roadside mowing should be completed.


Selectman Kurt Youland suggested the town could mow some of the Route 117 roadside next year, even though it is a state-maintained road.

The board voted to enter into a three-year contract with Andy Valley for hauling debris from the transfer station at $85 per load and a contract with Lewiston-based Casella Waste Systems for hauling recyclables.

The board will ask for bids on a solid waste compactor for single-sort recyclables. The bids will be due by 11 a.m.  Thursday, Sept. 25.

The town also will ask for bids to replace the septic system at Boofy Quimby Memorial Center at 96 Howes Corner Road. The bids will be due Sept. 30.

Heating oil bids will be due by Oct. 6.

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