MSGA at Val Halla

INDIVIDUAL GROSS – FLIGHT 1: Scott Weymouth 72/69, Brandon Wohl 73/70, Joe Gildart 75/70, John Conley 75/69, Mike Doran 75/75, INDIVIDUAL NET – FLIGHT 1: Jim Macklin 77/67, Phil Barter 78/68, Richard Thibeault Jr 76/68, Chad Allen 76/69, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – FLIGHT 2: Bob Miles 76/63, Skip Mierop 81/68, Michael Hayes 83/71, Randy Ossinger 83/70, INDIVIDUAL NET – FLIGHT 2: Brett P Davis 85/66, Jack Welch 82/68, Robert Naples Libby 82/68, Alan Ricker 85/69, Brian Roy 90/69, Jim Horn 88/69, Tom W Cloutier 89/69, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – SENIOR 1: Bill Donovan 74/68, Ron Brown 74/70, Robert Bush 79/74, INDIVIDUAL NET – SENIOR 1: Gary Lamberth 82/68, Greg McCormack 82/69, Ray Roux 81/69, Rick Simonds 81/69, INDIVIDUAL GROSS – SENIOR 2: Bill Clark 84/62, Don Derrah 88/71, Charlie Swett 89/72, Marcel Mathieu 89/73, INDIVIDUAL NET – SENIOR 2: Jon Fillmore 90/66, Tony Trask 99/69, Richard McCann 92/70, TEAM GROSS: Chad Allen, Brandon Wohl, John Conley, Chris King, 62/56; Ryan Atwood, Pete Flint, Richard Thibeault Jr, Chris Juntura, 65/59; Curtis Jordan, Scott Sirois, Scott Weymouth, John Bowen, 65/63; TEAM NET: Bill Clark, Brett P Davis, Scott Smart, Mitch Spaulding, 66/53; Rick Simonds, Steven Simonds, Bill Donovan, Gary Lamberth, 67/57; Darren Jensen, David Littlefield, Jon Fillmore, Bob Miles, 73/58; Gene Pecoraro, Shayne Pecoraro, Richard Hicks, 74/58; Friday Skins: Net # 11 – Bill Clark 1, Net # 12 – Tony Trask 1, Gross # 13 – Bob Langlois 3, Net # 15 – Richard McCann 2, Gross # 16 – Richard Thibeault Jr 3, Net # 17 – Alan Ricker 1, Saturday Skins: Gross # 4 – Brandon Wohl 3, Gross # 5 – Chris Deroche 3, Net # 6 – John Conley 2, Net # 7 – Jack Connolly 2, Net # 8 – Ted Jala 1, Net # 9 – Mike Mogan 2, Net # 10 – Phil Barter 2, Net # 13 – Steven Simonds 2, Net # 15 – Josh Dow 2, Gross # 17 – Tom W Cloutier 2, Gross # 18 – David Soule 3, CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Friday # 3 – Jim Macklin 6-9, # 8 – Mike Doran 4-1, # 11 – Steve Morris 0-1, # 17 – Jeff Leonardo 3-6, CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Saturday # 3 – Mark Wallace 6-6, # 8 – Chad Allen 1-3, # 11 – Frank Chartier 18-0, # 17 – Tom W Cloutier 7-9.

Paris Hill

Season wrap-up

King of the hill tournament : 1st place Eric Johnson (76) 2nd place Carl Hanley (77); 3rd place Don Pruyne (78); Club Championship : Cathy Lamontagne over Carol Whitman for the ladies and Mac Kim; Over Eric Johnson for the men; Labor Day Tournament :1st place Gross winners Dr.Myung Kim & Mac Kim with 1st place Net going to Carl Hanley & Dave Sutton; Ladies League Winners: Finishing 1st was the team of Tia Gladden, Irene Morris, Joan Moorehead, Joann Somers,Jinger Duryea and MaryAnn Brown; Mens League Winners: Finishing 1st was the team of Perry Baker – Dana Hanley – Don Adamson – Travis Jackson; Memorial Day Tournament: 1st Place Gross was Dana & Carl Hanley. 1st Place Net was won by Scott & Shawn Campbell; July 4th Flag tournament : Won by Oran Young.

Prospect Hill


Pedro O’Hara Golf League

Thongsavanh/ Melaragno – 165; Cote/Blanchette – 163; Saucier/Saucier – 162.5; Scott/Mathews – 162.5; Kennely/Crowell – 162; Morency/Nadeau – 161.5; Boulet/Maheux – 160; Rousseau/Lajoie – 153.5; Good/Miller – 153; Leeman/Langelier – 152.5; Forgues/Vaughan – 152; Rosen/Annear – 149.5; Landry/Desbiens – 147; Lessard/Lessard – 146.5; Scott/Livernois – 146.5; Theriault/Swett – 145; Haines/Knowlton – 144.5; Pugh/Daigle – 140; Pray/Feely – 133; Chouinard/Warner – 127.5.

Senior Golf League – Guys & Dolls

1st Place Teams – Gene Reny, Jean Blanchette, Roger Bertrand, Richard Beaulieu – 5; 2nd Place Teams – Bob Mathieu, Jim Sullivan, Bob Desbiens, Paul Ouellette – 5; 3rd Place Teams – Ray Villani, Wanda Brown, Chuck Clavet, Jeran White – 5; Closest to the pin # 15; 1st place Phyllis Griem 3’ 4”; 2nd place Porky Boulet 15’ 3”

 MSGA Senior Tour at Purpoodock Club

INDIVIDUAL GROSS – AGE 55-64: Paul Nichols 70/63, Roland Cote 76/68, Zibby Puleio 77/69; INDIVIDUAL NET – AGE 55-64: Robert Noiles 83/59, Rudy Plummer 82/66, Wally Martin 84/67; INDIVIDUAL GROSS – AGE 65-68: Alan Bouchard 74/73, Truman Libby 74/68, Bill Donovan 76/70, Fred Fasulo 76/67; INDIVIDUAL NET – AGE 65-68: Tom Greene 75/63, Paul Connolly 77/66, Joe Foley 83/68, John Driscoll 82/68, Norm Charleston 79/68,; INDIVIDUAL GROSS – AGE 69 & UP: David Day 80/73, Jim Surette 80/76, Richard Hachey 84/71; INDIVIDUAL NET – AGE 69 & UP: Ted Meserve 87/60, Dick Kerry 89/70, James Bither 85/70, Mark Sullivan 96/70; TEAM GROSS: Gary Manoogian; James Wescott; David Day; Dale Bragg, 65 / 59; George Boone; Roland Cote; Paul Nichols; Paul Lamontagne, 66 / 60; TEAM NET: Charlie Swett; Ricky Plummer; Tom Shupp; Rudy Plummer, 69 / 56; Rick Hebert; Ronald Hebert; Robert Noiles; George Blaisdell, 75 / 57; Paul Connolly; Bill Adamson; Jeff Deblois; Ted Caouette, 69 / 57; SKINS: Gross # 1 – Norm Charleston 2, Gross # 6 – Jeff Chapman 3, Gross # 8 – Dale Bragg 3, Net # 9 – Dick Kerry 1; CLOSEST TO THE PIN: # 5 – Don Sedor 9-9, # 9 – Mark Hammond 6-7, # 12 – Steve Brunette 11-9, # 15 – John Lefebvre 3-9.


Pine Acres

Monday Morning Senior Scramble

1st flight- Jerry LaPlante, Jody Flagg, Jackie Deschene, and Diane Doyon; 2nd flight- John Pike, Norm Polley, Irene Mathiew, and Marie Madore; 3rd flight- Mike Moore, Dick Ricker, Robert Allen and Terry Moore; Icecream- Dick Asselin, Rene Doyon, Richard Bealieu, and Irene Asselin; Closet to the pin- Bill Bauer 6′ 11/2″ and Irene Mathieu 10’10”; 50/50- Ray Merrow and Frank Reynolds; Paris Hill Country Club.

Turner Highlands

 Box Tournament



1st Place: Tim Doyle Sr, Tom Lowell, Kevin Mower, Kim Nickey; 2nd Place: Bob Spencer, John Chouinard, Dave Iannotti, Barbara Moreau; 3rd Place: Russell Lalemand, Eric Dutil, Pearl St. Pierre, Michelle St. Jean; Closest to pin # 4 Sean Riley 11 inches, #8 Deb Lalemand 12 feet; # 10 Kim Nickey 4 feet 5 inches, # 15 George Chiasson 7 feet 1 inch; # 18 Kevin Mower 9 feet 3 inches


Second half standings


Flight 1: 1st Harry Haylock & Luke Bourassa 110, Sean Doyle & Roger Deschaines 101, Russell Lalemand & Stan Camic 100; Flight 2: James St Jean & Paul Dufour 108, Rodney Shaw & David Shaw 105, Ed Jackson & Kevin Mower 101



First round playoffs


Flight 1: Low Gross Tim Doyle 35; Low Net Wes Sawyer 31.5; Closest to the pin # 10 Jim Timberlake 2 feet 11 inches; Closest 2nd shot #12 Marke Wilcox 9 feet


Flight 2: Low Gross Kenny Merrill 42; Low Net Norm St. Pierre 31.5; Closest To The Pin # 4 Maurice Moreau 10 feet 9 inches



Results first round


Flight 1: Russell Lalemand & Stan Camic; Tim Doyle Sr & Bob Fitzgerald; Bert Tardif & Wes Sawyer; Paul Cutter & Stan Timberlake; Fran Reynolds & Dave Swanson; Harry Haylock & Luke Bourassa; Steve Morin & Ryan Marston; Tim Doyle Jr. & Brian Roy


Flight 2



Ed Jackson & Kevin Mower; Norm St. Pierre & Fred Leadbetter; John Chouinard & Maurice Moreau; Paul Dufour & James St. Jean; David Shaw & Rodney Shaw; Steve Davis & Tom Perkins; Chad Rombalski & Eric Chiasson; Kenny Merrill & Dave Hodgkins


Monday Night Scramble


-4 Ngomi Ditima, Tom Lowell & John Richey;

Senior League



1st Place Stan Timberlake & Bill Timberlake; 2nd Place Norm St. Pierre & Keith Gunning; Closest To Pin # 15 Bob Fitzgerald 2 feet 1 inch; Closest To Pin # 9 2nd shot Keith Gunning 11 feet 6 inches.

Poland Spring Ladies League

Pink Lady

A Flight

Janet Nelson 31 Net; Jeanne Read 32 Net; Joanne Conley 32 Net


B Flight

Jackie Legere 31 Net; Diana Poliquin 33 Net; Marie Wood 36 Net

Closest to the Pin #6; Jeanne Read 6‘8”; Low Putts: Jackie Legere 14; 50/50: Joan Giguere

SMWGA at Belgrade Lakes

B-1 Division

Gross: 1st , Esther Wiener, Gorham, 92; 2nd, Sue McLain, Val Halla, 94; Net, 1st, Jan Hill, Nonesuch, 95-67; , 2nd, Theresa Kelley, Woodlands, 95-68


B-2 Division

Gross:  1st, Carol Curran, Nonesuch, 96; , 2nd, Joan Clark, Point Sebago, 101; Net: 1st , Jean Daly, Mere Creek, 98-69; 2nd , Chris Jackson, Val Halla, 102-70

B-3 Division

Gross: 1st , Kim Millick, Toddy Brook, 98; , 2nd , Sally Mc Lain, Point Sebago, 106; Net: 1st , Elizabeth Goodwin, Biddeford Saco, 103-65; 2nd TIE, MJ Whitney, Val Halla, 112-76; MJ Taylor, Val Halla, 114-76


Senior League Blind Draw Team Points & Pins


+ 15 Ron Wing / Norm Boulanger; + 14 Dave Kus / Rich Howard; #2 Joe Mertzel 19’6″; #13 Rich Howard 22’1″; #15 Dick Therrien 13’11”

Folds of Honor Best 2 of 4 & Pins & Skins
Springbrook Golf Club Raised $265.00 for the Folds of Honor Scholarship Fund.    
1st Gross: 141 Trent Murphy, Debbie Murphy, Jay Hopkins, Ray Convery; 1st Net Rick Carleton; 110 Mark Kent, Gerry Laroche, Pat Murphy;  Tie Tim Mynahan,  110 Dick Metivier, Dick Therrien, Aaron Burke: Pins: #2 Dick Metivier     11’1″;  #8 Jay Hopkins 6′; #13 Aaron Burke 3’8″;  #15 Lou Maurice 11’1″; Skins, Net: #1 Eric Medina, #7 Dick Therrien, #8 Pat Murphy, #9 Eric Medina; #10 Tim Mynahan, #12 Mark Kent,  #16 Jay Hopkins; Gross:  #8 Pat Murphy,  #9 Eric Medina, #10     Tim Mynahan, #12 Mark Kent,  #16 Jay Hopkins.

Senior & Woman’s League Scramble & Long Drives & Pins

1 net: 57.2 Jean Pratt, John Gross, Rita Howard, Bob Cochran; 1 gross: 66 George Ames, Carl Pratt, Carmen Cohen, Rich Howard; pins: #2 Rita Howard 25’5″; #13 Jake Jackson 10’10”; #15 Rich Howard 4’4″; Long Drives: Rita Howard, Norm Boulanger.

2-Person Blind Draw & Pins & Skins

1st Net 56 Matt Beckim, Jon Kent; 2 57 Pete Provencher, George Hopkins; 57 Gerry Laroche, Jeff Kent ; 1st Gross 70 Brandon Marcotte, Joe Mertzel; 70 Sid Cohen, Jay Levasseur; Pins #2 Trent Murphy 16’4″; #8 Joe Mertzel 28’2″; #13 Fred Warner 1’1″; #15 Jeff Kent 12′; Skins, gross: #2 Tom Tiner, #17 Brad Pattershall; Net: #5 Pete Provencher, #10 Steve Bodge, #13 Bob Sinclair, #15 Jeff Kent, #17 Brad Pattershall



Senior’s Wednesday Play

1. -8 Dennis Fox, John Matthieu, Ken Austin, Dick Cooper; 2. -4 Marcel Matthieu, Jim Graham, Jack McCleery, Bob Bolduc; Closest to pin #11 green: Jack Manning 13’2″; Don Wilson 30’3″; Closest to pin, #13 green: John Moreau, Bob Bolduc.


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