Gov. Paul LePage curses, swears, uses foul language, insults people and is ridiculed nationally. He lost $1 million on a study that was an admitted mistake, and then was unable to get a refund of even $500,000. He is an embarrassment to Maine people.

It is good to hear that Mike Michaud is now leading in the polls. He is a decent, honest and respected person who is liked by nearly everyone.

He worked for 29 years in a paper mill in Millinocket, served in the Maine House for 14 years, and eight years in the Maine Senate before spending 12 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Michaud was elected president of the Maine Senate, which was evenly divided (17 Democrats, 17 Republicans, one independent) and instead of gridlock, they passed a minimum wage increase with unanimous support.

I shall vote for Mike Michaud — he can get it done.

Ronald Melendy, Auburn

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