Egregious killers are dominating the world. President Obama ordered U.S. warplanes to Iraq to provide air support for refugees desperately trying to escape to a safe haven, avoiding being victimized by that cancer of evilness, ISIS.

A two-star general was assassinated in Afghanistan, but Obama devotes all his attention to a young black man killed by a white police officer who shot him six times. Unrelated to the shooting, a police video was released identifying the same young man stealing at a convenience store and strong-arming a clerk who was unable to stop him from walking away.

Obama and other top officials took no interest in negotiating the release of an American journalist who survived two years of appalling conditions before he was mercilessly beheaded upon the approval of ISIS.

Obama disregarded a policy that America won’t negotiate with terrorists when he ordered five Taliban killers released from Guantanamo in exchange for an American soldier held prisoner for six years by the Taliban, though the soldier is said to have deserted his post.

Obama should have been impeached for disgracing America by allowing those known killers another opportunity to terrorize the world.

Some day we may be forced to live in revolutionized communities among tribes of egregious killers; perhaps Americans recruited by ISIS.

Moreover, blame Obama for dragging America closer to a stink hole of evilness with all the atrocities happening around the world, yet he goes vacationing, plays golf and appeases the danger of an ISIS attack.

Robert Lacombe, Lewiston

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