LIVERMORE FALLS — When the nearly 30 teachers and the guidance counselor at Livermore Elementary School receive their paychecks Sept. 11, they will receive the same amount as their peers in three Jay schools.

The Regional School Unit 73 board unanimously approved a memorandum of understanding Thursday night that puts all 150 or so teachers in the district on the same pay scale. The decision followed an executive session.

“We’re finally treated as equals,” said a Livermore Elementary School teacher who declined to be identified.

When the former RSU 36, of which the Livermore school was a part, and the Jay School Department merged in 2011, teachers who had moved to positions in one of the Jay schools automatically went on the Jay pay scale. Those who didn’t stayed with the RSU 36 pay scale, which was somewhat lower.

Superintendent Kenneth Healey said for veteran teachers at the Livermore school, Thursday’s action means they will receive $3,000 to $9,000 more per year. For first- or second-year teachers, that amount could be several hundred dollars.

He said the total cost for equalizing pay is $153,000 for 2014-15.


“I’m grateful I was part of this and the board brought it forward,” Healey said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

The board included the money for the pay scale change in the past two budgets.

Board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen said the delay was because of time frames imposed during the ongoing negotiations with the education association.

Rob Taylor, president of RSU 73 Education Association, was also pleased with the agreement.

“We’re very happy all the teachers are on the same scale and that we were able to come to a solution,” he said.

Negotiations on a new contract will continue Sept. 17.


“We have had two daylong negotiation sessions that have been worthwhile,” Taylor said.

“We’ve made substantial progress,” Healey said.

The contract expired at the end of the 2011-12 school year. Taylor said all teachers are working under the provisions and pay scales of that contract.

When the two districts consolidated, all teaching staff were in the last year of a three-year contract, he said.

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