MEXICO — Mexico and Rumford police were busy Wednesday evening trying to sort out a large fight that broke out amid traffic stopped on Main Street for a paving project.

Several witnesses were filling out statements on the hoods of vehicles as Mexico firefighters placed absorbent material on a gasoline spill on Main Street. The air reeked with the smell of fuel.

Initial radio traffic from a 911 call to a Paris dispatcher stated that approximately 20 people were fighting, some with weapons, at 6:36 p.m. beside the former Mexico Chicken Coop Restaurant.

The Mexico police officer on duty quickly asked for backup and Rumford Sgt. Doug Maifeld and fellow officer Matthew Desroches responded.

When Maifeld arrived, he radioed for help from Mexico firefighters to take care of the spilled gas. A bystander said one of the combatants jumped into the back of a pickup truck and threw a generator onto the street, spilling fuel at 40 Main St.

Once police had the scene secured, Med-Care Ambulance was called to take a man who had been assaulted beside Dick’s Restaurant to Rumford Hospital. Desroches followed the ambulance while Maifeld and the Mexico officer continued to take statements. The Mexico officer also photographed injuries on a few people.

Mexico firefighters initially detoured traffic onto Carlton Avenue during the aftermath, because a Rumford cruiser was parked across both lanes.

Rumford police also responded to an earlier fight between two combatants in the parking lot at Ralph’s Store and Deli at 341 Cumberland St. in Rumford, but it is not known if that spilled over into Mexico or was a separate incident. Police did not return calls seeking additional information.

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