LEWISTON — A pair of political action committees are touting and criticizing Maine’s Republican Gov. Paul LePage.

In a television advertisement released Monday by the Republican Governors Association PAC, LePage is praised for being a unique conservative and not a “blow dried” or “cookie cutter” politician. The advertisement lists some of LePage’s accomplishments and notes his record on fiscal matters, including ushering through the largest income tax cut in state history and paying off the state’s debt to its hospitals, among other things.

The advertisement features some humorous portrayals of “politicians” and then fades to a smiling, waving LePage taking part in a parade, giving children high fives and other friendly exchanges.

Also on Monday, the Maine Conservation Voters Action Fund launched a $400,000 advertisement campaign seeking to compare and contrast LePage’s position on environmental issues, specifically water protection, to that of U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud, LePage’s Democratic challenger.

That advertisement features Yemaya St. Clair, a Portland mother of two young children, claiming LePage has weakened clean water safeguards for Maine families. 

“It’s as clear as water should be: Paul LePage can’t be trusted to safeguard Maine or my family. Mike Michaud can,” St. Clair says in the ad. “Mike has spent his career making Maine’s waters safer for everyone.”


St. Clair is also on the board of directors for the Quimby Family Foundation, which was formed by entrepreneur Roxanne Quimby in 2004 to advance wilderness values and enhance access to the arts in Maine. Quimby, who owns large tracts of forestland, is an advocate for a new national park in northern Maine.

Rick Bennett, chairman of the Maine Republican Party, said the RGA advertisement provided voters with a clear picture of who LePage is.

“Voters have a simple choice this November,” Bennett said in a prepared statement issued to the press Monday.  “They can vote for another typical politician or they can vote for Gov. LePage, who gets things done and has brought much-needed reform to Augusta. “

But Maureen Drouin, the executive director of the Maine Conservation Voters PAC, said LePage’s environmental record, especially around water protection, was nothing to be proud of.

“Gov. LePage has taken a wrecking ball to our state. Only Mike Michaud can bring Maine people together again to clean up our waters and move us toward a safer, cleaner future,” Drouin said.

The advertisements are some of the first in what’s expected to be a record year for PAC spending in a Maine election cycle.


Earlier in August, RGA vice chairman and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie pledged the RGA’s PAC would spend whatever it takes to help LePage win reelection.

Under Maine law, the PACs are allowed to make independent expenditures in support or opposition to candidates or ballot proposals. The groups cannot coordinate their activities with a campaign but often the release of advertisements happens around the same time campaigns are released.

Last week, the campaign for independent candidate Eliot Cutler launched two television advertisements as well. One introducing the candidate as a jobs creator and the other one challenging and criticizing LePage and Michaud for not agreeing to more early debates.


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