Isn’t it time to talk about Eliot Cutler? What is his game? Why does he want to keep performing in Barnum & Bailey politics when doing so assures LePage another four years in the center ring?

Is Cutler’s ego so big that he can’t drop out, even knowing that, if he did, compassion could return to the State House in the form of Mike Michaud?

Is he so deluded that he actually thinks he has a chance?

Is he under the spell of an outer space being ? (Think: “E-l-i-o-t”) Or, as I have heard more than once, is he being paid under the table by the LePage team to stay in the race?

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with many —  perhaps most — of Cutler’s positions, but I have this recurring nightmare featuring the 2010 election re-emerging from the gates of hell.

So, why doesn’t everyone vote for Michaud?

Peaceful Dawn, Auburn

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