AUBURN — The Robin Dow Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13, at the Alden M. Gayton Post 31, American Legion, 426 Washington St.

The Board of Directors will meet at 10 a.m.

Thirty members were present at the July 23 meeting.

Because of the July 9 cookout and day of socializing, the regular board meeting at the first meeting of the month was held prior to this meeting.

Chaplain Donohue opened the meeting with a meaningful prayer for the day and the group recited the Lord’s Prayer.

A salute to the American flag was followed by the singing of one verse of “America the Beautiful.”


Following the regular business meeting, tribute was paid to Phil Cyr who is moving to Florida to be near his daughter. He was presented with a card signed by members and a name badge designed for the group’s new Schooner Estates location for when he returns for a visit.

Jeanne Doyon update the group on the trips she has scheduled.

A bag lunch followed with an afternoon of bingo.

Attendance prize was won by Don Doyon and Janis Brackenbury. Pot of Gold: Madge Gardner, Mary Tyler, Natalie St. Clair.

Raffle: Virginia Houston, Caroline Chapman, Evelyn Sawin. Fifty-fifty: Wallace Bragdon, Valerie St. Clair.

The meeting closed with prayer by Pat Donohue followed by singing of “God Bless America.”

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