LIVERMORE — Selectpersons unanimously voted Monday to give eligible employees a 2 percent raise, retroactive to July 1.

They also gave Code Enforcement Officer Richard Marble a 2 percent raise when he hadn’t requested one.

Selectperson Rod Newman said Marble had not received a raise in seven or eight years.

It was unknown if Marble had budgeted for an increase in wages or had enough money in his new budget.

Treasurer Amy Byron checked the 2013-14 budget that ended June 30 and Marble had a $1,585 surplus that rolled over into the general fund.

This year’s budget was approved with a 2 percent increase across the board included, she said.


The increase boosts highway foreman P. Roger Ferland’s wage from $19.10 an hour to $19.48 and Town Clerk Renda Guild’s wage from $16.88 per hour to $17.22. Those are the two highest wages listed for full-time employees.

Byron’s wage increases from $15 to $17 an hour for her treasurer duties and fire Chief Don Castonguay’s annual stipend increases from $2,550 to $2,600 a year.

Marble’s hourly wage was $28 in 2013-14 and it will increase by 2 percent this year. He works one day a week.

In other business, the board voted to purchase a new compactor for nearly $17,000 through Atlantic Recycling Equipment LLC. It was the lowest of two bids, Transfer Station Supervisor Juanita Jordan-Brown told selectpersons. The cost could be less, depending on how many compactors are purchased from other towns involved in Oxford County Regional Recycling.

The price does not include a container for the compactor.

The town and the regional recycling group are going to single-sort recycling.


Livermore voters approved raising and appropriating $32,000 for a new compactor, container, a cement pad and other associated costs in June as part of the $1.3 million, 2014-15 municipal budget.

The town has one compactor at the Transfer Station that was purchased through Atlantic in 2010 for trash. The plan is to move the current compactor to use for recycling and the new one to handle the trash.

Jordan-Brown told the board that more than 41 tons of metal was picked up and the town should be getting a check for $3,700 for it. The crew taking the metal to the recycler could not get it all on the truck so some was left behind at the transfer station, she said.

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