In 2007, two Democrats, Tom Allen and Mike Michaud, served in Congress. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated that “We will bring transparency and openness to the budget process and the use of earmarks,” (also known as “pork”).

Allen submitted 125. And Michaud? Guess how many. Not 150, not 250, but 500. The Sun Journal requested both representatives to disclose all earmarks. They refused.

This country is already borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent. Michaud reportedly voted with Obama more than 90 percent of the time. Along with other liberals, they are bankrupting this country.

Now, Michaud is getting ready to bankrupt Maine.

God help us.

We have tax payers and tax takers and, of course, lots of uninformed people. I refer to Pat Malcolm’s letter (July 17) in which she wrote: “He (Michaud) is known for fiscal responsibility in Washington.”

Talk about being uninformed.

Marcel Morin, Auburn

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