AUGUSTA — The Maine Campus Compact presented annual awards recently at a ceremony recognizing faculty, students and campus departments from the 17 colleges and universities that were members of the organization at the State House Hall of Flags.

Hermeet Kohli, assistant professor of social work and honors, receiveed the Donald Harward Award for Faculty Service-Learning Excellence. The award recognized faculty who integrate community or public service into the curriculum and who work to institutionalize service-learning. The award was named for Donald W. Harward, founder of Maine Campus Compact and former board member of national and Maine Campus Compacts.

Tonya Bailey-Curry from the University of Southern Maine Lewiston-Auburn College received the Heart and Soul Award. Each year, Maine Campus Compact recognized up to six college students for exemplary civic engagement.

The Department of Environmental Science at the University of Southern Maine received the President’s Leadership Award. This award recognized exceptional contributions to community service, service learning and/or civic engagement efforts on their campus.

Established in 1994 and hosted at Bates College, MCC was a statewide coalition of 17 college and university presidents working to build strong communities and a more just democratic society by developing students’ citizenship and problem solving skills through community-based learning. MCC was an affiliate state office of Campus Compact, which encompasses more than 1,100 college and university presidents – representing some 6 million students-dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education. More than 15,000 student volunteers at MCC member campuses provide some 1.6 million hours of service annually with an economic impact of more than $25 million a year.

For more information, contact Coral Breuer at 207-786-8392 or

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