INDUSTRY — Norma Jean DeRocle, formerly from Ohio, celebrated her 90th birthday at Industry Town Hall with 60 friends and relatives on June 21. Son Michael and Randy Bruce prepared trash can turkey, and wife Eula and Vanessa Bruce, Caroline Giles and others catered the delicious buffet.

Greeters were niece Kim Minneman, husband Rex of Raleigh, N.C., nephew Sheldon Whitcher, wife Dawn, son Cole Justin of Minot, N.D., and Ross Whitcher of Denver, Colo. Grandson Joseph Butler of Gorham, on work assignment, flew home early from Amsterdam to attend the party.

Norma and husband Joe danced to the song “Angel Eyes” to start the party.

A bottle of champagne was given to the two people who traveled the farthest, Ross Whitcher, who flew from Denver, and Sheldon Whitcher of North Dakota. Norma thanked all for coming and to mark their calendar for five years to celebrate 95.

Music provided by Chris Bracy and the “To Be Determined” band from Avon was enjoyed by all.

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