NORWAY — AMVETS Post 777, serving Oxford Hills, as well as the national headquarters of the AMVETS and the Dept. of Maine will be providing an Independence Day gift to veterans.

The Fourth of July is a special day for veterans. The first patriots in America shed their blood to throw off the yoke of oppression. The American military traces its roots to these patriots.

To honor this special day, veterans may join the AMVETS at no membership cost for the next 14 months. This offer is open from July 1-7. Call 744-9156 or email for more information.

All veterans with an honorable discharge qualify for this offer. This also includes National Guard, Army Reserves and Coast Guard, whether the veteran served during war time or peace time.

“We are pleased to make this offer to our veterans in the Oxford Hills area,” said Ron Snow, commander of AMVETS Post 777. “We are a new post, chartered in December, and have a lot of projects to raise money and be able to provide scholarships, as well as help support our communities and its veterans.”

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