My place of employment recently implemented a no tattoo and piercing policy, stating that all body art or jewelery has to be covered up.

I have been employed there for eight years and I am a valuable employee, and there are many others. Company officials are making no exceptions for employees who were employed before the policy began. It was stated, “cover up or get another job.”

I am not at an establishment that caters to a high class clientele or any government form of business. Throughout my career here I have never received any complaints about the tattoos and piercings being offensive, and never have I or others had any negative comments on our online surveys about costumers feeling offended at our establishment.

There should be a law protecting employees from discrimination regarding tattoos and piercings, as long as they are not offensive or have profanity or are indecent.

I am disappointed that my employer would be so closed-minded and judgemental.

Our art and metal does not reflect badly on our work ethic — we work hard and make the company money, just the same as the employees who have a blank canvas.

Heather Thomas, Lewiston

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